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Epoxy flooring in bathrooms & laundries

With the seamless, easy-to-clean surface and custom design capability of epoxy flooring, it’s easy to understand why there’s a high demand in residential bathrooms and laundries.

While epoxies are well-suited, these projects aren’t as straightforward as they may seem for a few reasons:

  1. Waterproofing – The epoxy finish you see at the end is only the final layer of a rather complex flooring system. For the integrity of the whole floor, you’ve got to make sure waterproofing is done underneath first and that usually involves the services of a waterproofing professional.

  2. Drainage – Another reason why these floors aren’t simply a case of rolling on an epoxy has to do with the drainage requirements. Showers and other wet areas need to be shaped to allow water to run off effectively, which involves the installation of specialist subfloor materials by qualified installers.

  3. Quality coatings – Using quality coatings that don’t misbehave is always a good idea, but for laundries and bathrooms there’s the added challenge of hot and humid conditions that not all epoxy floor coatings can handle. There’s also the issue of non-slip finishes that can be hard to get right in those environments.

  4. Cost – With those points in mind, and the fact these projects generally involve smaller areas, the cost of these floors is typically much higher per square metre than in other parts of the home.

Beyond those considerations, there’s no question that epoxy floors can give bathrooms and laundries the stunning modern finish many homeowners love. Here are just two examples – Epoxy Bathroom & Epoxy Laundry.